Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to Us!

JP and I have birthdays 2 days apart...JP's on August 7th and mine on the 9th. So, this year we decided to rent a pontoon boat and head out to the lake. A perfect way to celebrate...other than the fact the boat wasn't powerful enough to water ski. And trust me we tried. But no matter how hard you jam on the accelerator the boat only went so fast. JP really wanted to take our dog Lucy and there's only one boat that allows dogs...a very slow pontoon boat (o: We had fun tubing, though...or I should say I had fun tubing. Olivia didn't care for it. Can you believe she prefers to fish than to tube??? Isaiah was a great trooper in his crazy life jacket that went around his head and between his legs. Fortunately he was only required to wear it when the boat was actually in motion. And we all had a blast swimming!!! Happy Birthday to us...and I am not saying how old we are (o:

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