Thursday, August 12, 2010


This summer I've kept the garden simple. I planted 1 cherry tomato plant, 2 regular tomato plants, and 6 green pepper plants. I use green peppers in my spaghetti sauce so I've loved being able to freeze a bunch for use over the winter. I also harvested some strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries from the plants I planted last year.

It has been a very good year for the cherry tomato plant (which is humongous), green peppers, and raspberries. And I'm happy to say that the Miracle Gro organic gardening soil I used is the only thing I've put on them. The bugs have kept away and the plants have flourished like I soaked them in fertilizer...which I didn't.

Blueberries were still sparse. I guess it takes several years for blueberries to take off. But the raspberry bushes grew almost like a weed, and now I can barely keep up with harvesting them all. I'm thankful it was low maintenance and abundant harvest. Here's a few pictures:

Side shot of the huge cherry tomato plant that I staked with 2 of our leftover fence posts. It really could have used a 3rd stake it's so big.6 green pepper plants in front, cherry tomato plant center back, and 2 other tomato plants on either side in back.

2 of about 5 raspberry bushes staked up.

...and then some of the delicious harvest, which disappears often times before I can even rinse it off.

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