Thursday, August 12, 2010


This has been a big summer for Olivia between starting violin lessons, preschool, and now we've added dance to the list. So far it's been fun...and I really hope it stays that way. She'd been asking for the violin lessons and dance classes for a while now. She's done great with the violin, and her first dance class went great. Though it's a Creative Movement class where more or less they pretend being a turtle, or jumping over mud puddles, or being a princess going to the ball. Well, you can't pull anything over Olivia's eyes. At the end of the first class I asked her if she had fun. She said, "Yes. But they didn't teach me how to dance. They taught me how to be a princess." She had been so looking forward to learning how to dance like a real ballerina. Whenever she put her ballet shoes on at home she would say things like, "look now I can dance on my toes" or "look mommy, a pirouette." We'll see if she wants to go back next week. Fortunately, I only paid for a 2 week trial. But I have to say seeing a bunch of bright eyed, smiling, 4 year old girls in pink leotards, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes is about the sweetest thing I've every seen.

Everything you need for a successful first dance class.

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