Wednesday, June 08, 2011

What's On My Bookshelf

I love to read. I have loved to read since I could first read. My favorite part of Kindergarten was grabbing one of the easy readers and snuggling on the pillows in the corner of the playhouse; while all the other kids were running around, in and out, I sat contentedly with my book.

When Olivia was a baby I read a lot...and I mean a lot...of parenting books. Maybe that's just what new parents do. But on reflection, with the exception of a few, those books did nothing to ease the burden of parenting. If anything they only added to it. Questions were constantly brewing in my mind. Have I chosen the right parenting method? How am I doing at implementing my chosen parenting method? Is JP submiting to my chosen parenting method (you can only imgaine the stress this question ignited)?

I reread a few of my favorites when Isaiah was first born. Mainly to remember how we got Olivia to sleep through the night by 2 months old, because of course a mama's sanity is largely linked to how much sleep she gets. And it was worth it since he started sleeping through the night by 3 months old. But recently I have switched my focus to more leisure reading and reading that builds me spirtiually.

Now as a mom of 2 preschoolers, it's not easy finding time to read, but if you really, really want to you can. Here are some of my best pointers:

1. Rock your baby to sleep with a bottle of milk. That's right! With Olivia, none of my parenting books endorsed bed time rocking or feeding, but since I'm not reading those books anymore I get 2, 20 minute blocks of time a day to read. Bed time can get a little tricky with lighting, but in KY I could leave the hall light on and position my book just so to catch the light. Here in WA the sun doesn't set until after 9pm right now, so there's plenty of light to read by.

2. Teach your baby to take naps in multiple places...especially their car seat...and then run errands right at nap time making sure to place your book in your fashionably oversized purse. Disclaimer: this tip works best if your baby happily sleeps only 30 to 45 minutes, if you have more than one child, and if you have a hard time forcing yourself to sit down. This wouldn't have worked with Olivia who took awesome 3 hour naps...I could do the dishes, read, and take a nap all in one of her naps!

3. Make a huge, cross-country move right when your 16 month old begins a major teething streak. Then put his crib in storage and force him to sleep in a pack-n-play. You'll discover countless hours of reading available.

4. Hate to shop at Wal-Mart, but marry a man who LOVES to spontaneously stop in for a little something, and install a DVD player in the back seat (one for each child is optimum). I can't tell you how many times I've been thankful to have my book along with me (in my fashionably oversized purse) on family outings that have ended in a "quick" Wal-Mart run.

5. Don't own a Smart Phone. 'nuf said.

6. Turn off the tube...except of course American Idol and The Office (and possibly So You Think You Can Dance during the summer).

So that's exactly how I get my reading in...and this, is what I have loved reading recently...

The Circle Series by Ted Dekker
I came across this series by chance, but once I started I could not put it down. It's a Christian fantasy novel where the hero "moves" between our reality and a future reality where people can actually see what's in the spiritual realm. I started with "Green," but you could also end with "Green." The order of the other 3 books is important..."Black," then "Red," and finally "White."

I've read a number of other Ted Dekker books recently, but "The Circle Series" was by far my favorite.

Seasons of Grace Trilogy by Beverly Lewis
"The Secret," "The Missing," and "The Telling." I am new to this author, but I love, love her! Her novels are all about the Amish, and it's such a beautiful glimpse into this otherwise foreign culture. I love when novels inpire and teach, and these definitely do. And they remind me of how big a God we who is not locked into my way of doing things...or anyone's way of doing things. The eternal Trugh of the Gospel is so simply and beautifully displayed in these novels.

I've also started "The Rose Trilogy," but have only read the first book. Our library doesn't carry any of the other books, so I may try to get it through Paper Back Swap.

This Present Darkness and Pierceing the Darkness by Frank Peretti
I picked up these books on the recommnedation of our pastor in Elizabethtown and couldn't put them down. It's a glimpse into the spiritual realm battle between good and evil.

Abiding in Christ by Andrew Murray
This one is not a novel. In fact, it's not even an easy read. It's described as a classic, which really only means it's written in an older English style that takes a lot of time and patience to read. I find myself rereading words, sentences, paragraphs, get the point. But no book has ever been more worth it...seriously!!! I finding myself longing to grasp onto the truths presented in this books, truths that bring rest to the I keep reading and would highly recommend it!!!

Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo
I don't think there are any words to describe this book other than to say it's a true account of a 3 year old's visit to Heaven. Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

Raising Girls by Dr. James Dobson
Apparently I'm not adamantly opposed to parenting books. However, I am more choosy and it's definitely no longer my only genre of choice. This parenting book was exceptional, and while we didn't do this, this would be a great one to read together (ssshhh...don't tell JP, but I plan to sneak this one into his ruck sack before he deploys).

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
This is Isaiah's current favorite. I don't know how many times a day we read this, but there is nothing more irrisistable than an adorable 18 month old pulling at your pant legs saying "apapilla."

Lego Star Wars: Save the Galaxy by Scholastic
I am so thankful my sweet princess loves science fiction...she truly does! Olivia loves it because it is her first "comic book," and I love it because it is kid friendly science fiction...and the lines in it just crack me up (they have been changed from the actual movie to be more child friendly). And to hear Olivia read the different characters in actual character is priceless!!!

I would love to hear lots of suggestions for more great reads!!!

*FYI...if you click on one of these links for the books it will take you to where you can purchase these books for yourself, but rest assured I make no money by your click.

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