Someday Olivia will love me for this picture...
...but these are moments I treasure. And if you're like me, you are drawn into this picture because of those beautiful brown eyes.
But what we really have going on here is some teething mayhem. The other day Olivia was yawning, and I happened to look inside her mouth and caught a glimpse of something white behind her bottom left tooth. On closer inspection I realized it was her first adult tooth cutting through (well, not really the first as one 6-year molar had already made its appearance about 2 weeks earlier and a 2nd is cutting through).
And actually, that was the way the bottom left baby tooth first made its appearance...suddenly! She was a great teether. She teethed early and easily. The only teeth that ever made her complain were the first year molars, and those messed up her sleep patterns for about 4 months. But she was completely done before she was even 15 months old.
Now Isaiah, on the other hand, is a terrible teether. He didn't get his first 2 teeth until about 9 months old. And those bottom 2 teeth took nearly a month to come agonizing month of swollen gums and little white specks just under the surface of the gum.
Then Isaiah waited to get anymore until after he turned 1. It was closer to about 15 months, and then they all wanted to start coming at the same time. So just as we moved from KY to WA, Isaiah's entire gums began to swell with molars, and eye teeth, and regular teeth and now 3.5 months later he has one last little tooth that just doesn't want to cut through. Poor guy hasn't slept well in months; and poor mommy, neither have I. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Now Olivia was a great teether, but those baby teeth really like her mouth. Those two bottom baby teeth just don't want to come out to make room for the adult teeth. The right one is really loose, but that left one ain't budging a bit. I just don't even want to think about having to take her to the dentist for them to "help" it took 4 people to last fall to give her a flu shot!
So, I'm praying constantly over Olivia's baby teeth. I'm serious! The Lord wants us to bring everthing before Him, and the thought of having to take her to the dentist to have a tooth pulled brings me to my knees every time I think about it!
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