Monday, May 16, 2011

Week-End Wonders – Poulsbo and Bainbridge Island

We have been spending a ton of time sight-seeing this gorgeous part of the country since we got here a month ago. It’s actually a little overwhelming thinking of all we have already done, and all there is still to see. We have barely scratched the surface of this beautiful area.

I also get a little overwhelmed at the daunting prospect of scrapbooking. JP takes so many wonderful pictures it’s difficult to even just go through and pick out a few to use in scrapbooks. And now, especially keeping so busy with the kids and traveling I just can’t even think of when I would do it. So, blogging seems like an excellent way to preserve some of the memories along with some journaling.

I’ve discovered a service that can actually turn a blog into a book, so I may try that…I do really like the old fashioned hold a book in your hand (that’s why I haven’t broke down yet and bought a Kindle even though I was really tempted after seeing the lady sitting next to me in church use hers for her Bible…it was really cool!)

This past Saturday we spent the day exploring a very small part of the Puget Sound…the small Norwegian town Poulsbo and the Bainbridge Island.



We initially learned about this small Norwegian town from our upstairs neighbor who is from this town. Next week-end is their annual Viking festival, which we look forward to attending…so look for more pictures next week from this picturesque town.

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We started off by stopping in at a local bakery for lunch. I have to admit that it was only okay…the bread was homemade, but it was very crumbly and a little dry. Even the desserts were just okay in spite of being so delicious looking. I must really be getting spoiled!!!!


Olivia and Poulsbo’s Viking princesses.

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A fun park bordering the Sound with these really neat boulders to climb on. Olivia must have spent an hour climbing every single boulder we walked passed.

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“Come on guys…buy a boat already!” Oh, what a dream come true that would be!!!

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Poulsbo has this teeny, tiny aquarium that was free admission. It had a shallow pool where you could touch the different marine life, a few small aquariums, and a room with a few kids’ activities. But given it’s small size, I was surprised how long the kids were engaged…we must have spent 2 hours in there. And it was the first time Olivia had worked up the courage to actually touch some of the marine life!


Isaiah finally gave it up. I think he has finally resigned himself to a life of naps on the go and will fall asleep just wherever he is and take a nice long nap. I try not to feel guilty about it because he always wakes up happy and energized until it’s time to go to bed.

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Still sleeping….even with Olivia loving on him.


Baby crack!!! Love it!!!


Yes…we got bakery desserts and ice cream…the ice cream was delicious!! And silly Isaiah slept through the kiddos treat of ice cream, but promptly woke up for the adult treat of a wine tasting. It was okay, though…they had a corner set up with toys just for the kids. Most family friendly wine tasting I’ve ever been to.

Bainbridge Island

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Well, these pictures pretty much speak for themselves. We spent a couple hours by this beach where there was also a playground for the kids. Right as we were pulling away to head for dinner the rain started.

We ate at a place along the Sound called Dukes. Again, I must be getting really spoiled because I thought the food was only okay. I had Ciopino, which according to the waitress has one numerous awards…yep, I am most certainly spoiled by all this fabulous traveling!

Now, if only housing wasn't so expensive and my grocery bill would drop down to KY prices I would say this is the perfect place to live...of course I might change my mind after our first full winter here.

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