Sunday, July 18, 2010

Isaiah - 8 Months

Doesn't Isaiah look so sweet in this beautiful outfit? It was a gift from Aunt Nancy and today was the first day he was able to wear's a size 18 months! It is still a little big on him, nevertheless Isaiah is doing his best to keep up with Olivia. He's in 12 month clothes now. And, after 2 weeks of teething he now has two beautiful teeth on the bottom. He worked hard to get those teeth, but thankfully he still slept through the night...just a little grumpy during the day. Still no crawling, but tons of scooting backwards. He'll "hop" from his tummy to his hands and knees and rock back forth even moving one leg forward, but the hands still stay put. I imagine any day now he'll take off after one of the cats and then life as we know it will change!

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