Thursday, May 27, 2010

What's In the Box Wednesday

Here's another edition of "What's in the Box" Wednesday...though I do know it is Thursday. Nevertheless, this was our school time on Wednesday. Busy, busy days...

Theme: Spiders
Letter: H
Number: 3
Sight Word: and
Raising Rock Stars Verse: Honor your father and your mother. (This was an interesting verse this week for the simple fact she kept wanting the "h" sound at the beginning of the word honor).

You can see on our bulletin board I added a couple more crafty items we completed this week. My favorite was the spider web she drew on the black construction paper. I have to admit she did a far better job on this project than I anticipated. She actually tried to dry a spider web, it actually resembles one, and she even drew a spider on it! She was especially proud of the spider.

Box 1: Itty Bitty activity: Fingerprint spiders on webs.
Box 2: Itty Bitty activity:Spider fact booklet.
Box 3: HWT - doodle board the letter "H"

Box 4: Hippo craft
Box 5: HWT workbook coloring
Box 6: Melissa & Doug build a picture with geometric shapes (that's not the official name of this game (o:

Star Box 1: Blocks and plastic bugs/spiders (the big hit for the week...we daily set up a table and chairs with the block for all the bugs to have a tea party).
Star Box 2: Pottery Barn Kids size sorting puzzle (no interest in this toy for 2 weeks...she usually loves this one).
Star Box 3: Mr. Potato Head...he got invited to the bug tea party several times this week.

Our books and game of the week. Candy Land has been our game for 2 weeks now, and I yet to have find time to play it.

She had fun learning the letter H this week. I came up with a little "story" to help her remember which order to draw the lines: First the daddy stands, then the mommy stands, and then they hold the baby. This method works well for teaching her and getting her attention, however, in this case it back fired a little because she kept trying to add in a big sister line (o: We had a few very funny looking h's.

In Olivia fashion, nothing stays exactly what it is. This Hippo turned out to be a hungry hippo who wanted to eat a red apple after she was finished creating it.

We had a great, last week of school! I don't have pictures, but one of our favorite's this week was an Itty Bitty Bookworm activity: spider cupcakes. Yummy!

We're going to take a nice break for the summer...come to think of it we had quite a few breaks during the fall and winter too. But, it's preschool...she's only 4...and there will be many years ahead where this type of flexibility won't be allowed. We'll keep going with Raising Rockstars and praying about whether or not we're going to take on this home schooling business full time!

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