Tuesday, May 04, 2010

What I Love About You - 14 Weeks

(In Augusta, GA)

I love...
  • how your whole face lights up and your eyes get so bright when you smile.
  • your deep belly laughs.
  • how you really will sleep anywhere. It has made our travels so stress free!
  • your roly, poly chunky legs.
  • how when someone else is holding you, and I catch your eye your whole face lights up with that special "for mommy only smile."
  • how when your laying on your back you kick your feet so fast you look like you're running laying down.
  • how you fold your hands and intensely look at them.
  • how you grab your feet and wave them back and forth.
  • how you take only a few little catnaps, but sleep oh so blissfully sound at night.
  • how you like your cereal, but how you love it when Olivia feeds it to you.
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