Wednesday, May 19, 2010

That Girl Can Really Melt My Heart...

...I don't want to forget a couple moments in the last couple days, so I'm going to quickly blog about it.

Yesterday in the car out of the blue Olivia asked how to go to heaven. So I told her she needs to ask Jesus to forgive her sins. So she did. Then she asked if she was going to go to heaven now. I said yes, but not right now...that we need to live our lives loving God and loving others while we wait for Jesus to come get us. And she asked, "Is our car going to float up to heaven now mommy?" Still sorting through the details, but I love it!!!

Then today on the way home from church Olivia was tickling Isaiah and all of a sudden for the very first time she said, "I love you Isaiah. Don't worry. I'm right here, and I love you. I love you Isaiah." It completely melted my heart because usually she's asking if she can trade him in for ice cream.

I think some of the sweetest moments come driving down the road (o:

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