Sunday, March 07, 2010

What's Been Up

Well, we haven't had a whole lot of formal tot school time in the last few weeks. We've been playing a lot and reading our books, but I haven't been as organized lately. Olivia and I have both been fighting bronchitis, I had a stomach bug, we had our Arkansas family (JP's brother's family) here for a visit, and a few health concerns with my family back in all added up to consume my mind.

I have had a lot of time to think about homeschooling, read about homeschooling, and begin to think about our future with it. I will try and write down some of my thoughts in another post soon, but other matters are currently calling me away from the computer. In the mean time, enjoy a few pictures from our last several weeks.

Olivia's imagination is active 24/7. On this particular day she was using the plastic hangers for earrings, she set the kitchen chairs up to be her car, and if you look closely at the "back seat" you will see 4 of Isaiah's shoes in her Mickey Mouse ears sitting on the chair behind her...these are her children in the back seat. On the other seat is the diaper bag. She brought me the shoes and asked me to take care of her babies while she went out for a while. I was given strict instructions to make sure I fed them (o: I like how she drives "European."

We did have a very little bit of Tot School. Here she is working on something (I can't remember what now). It had been really cold and she wore this hat a lot...but I promise the house was warm enough without a hat (o:

Isaiah meeting his Arkansas cousin Georgia for the first time.

"Hey, I like your nose."

This is so Olivia! While we haven't had our "formal" Tot time together, over the past several weeks Olivia has had lots of art, play, and learn time. Here she is with her Arkansas cousin Avery.

The sun finally came out...for one day...and the weather was warm enough for the kids to play outside!

1 comment:

Hallelujah Harvest said...

Curious what your current thoughts are about homeschooling. Hope you are able to post about that soon. The decision to or not to and the implementation of it all is such a constant battle!