Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet 4 Year Old!

It's a Yo Gabba Gabba theme! There's a party in my tummy!

Our sweet baby girl is not a baby anymore! She is a little girl!
Let's see, some fun facts about Olivia Hope at 4 years old:
  • 45" tall
  • Loves to pretend anything and is very rarely simply Olivia...everyone in the family is very rarely themselves (o:
  • Says funny things like "Wheat germ. That's Chinese for popcorn," and "I sang lullabies to my teachers and friends. But it didn't work. They didn't fall asleep," and "Mommy, you can be the big monkey brother," and "Mommy, you know anything!"
  • Can read. Not entirely sure how this happened...but, yes she can read.
  • Loves to help. My favorite words of the day are "mommy, how can I help you?"
  • Loves to party! All day long we heard "Let the party begin! Everyone, it's time to have fun!"
  • Is strong willed and independent, yet loves to have mommy and daddy very close by. She's never quite herself unless everyone is together.
  • Energy, energy, energy. "Mommy, I never get tired." "Olivia, everyone needs to rest." "Except me!"
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