Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Isaiah - 3 Months

I tried narrowing down the car seat photos to only 1, but it was hard enough as it was to narrow it down to 6...he's just so darn cute!

He didn't have an official doctor's visit, but the difference between my solo weight and my holding Isaiah weight on our home scale is 16 lbs. Needless to say we need to move on up to our 3 to 6 month clothes.

He loves: to chew on his hand, blow slobber bubbles, listen to JP sing and play guitar.
He doesn't like: tummy all!

He is such a sweet little boy. Full of smiles, squeals, and fun. I just can't believe how fast the time is going already. It seems like we waited forever for him, and now he's not even a newborn anymore. I pray that all these sweet memories stay in my mind forever!

1 comment:

Bullock Family said...

fyi, too many pics and Isaiah's name cannot be in the same sentence. it is not possible. we always want more! love you guys!